Voted 2021 San Diego Top Docs!

(619) 663-5344

1665 Union St., Suite A

San Diego, CA 92101



List of Services

Unlimited Physician Access

You are guaranteed to see your board-certified physician and not a nurse practitioner or physician assistant since we don't have them.

We are only accepting 300 patients total so we can get to know you better fostering a long-term relationship.

Because we are limiting our total patient portfolio, your visit with Dr. Danielle or Dr. Tony will be as long as you need.

Enjoy unlimited physician access via phone, email, or video conferencing whether home or away.

Same or Next Day Appointments

We understand this.

By limiting our total patients to only 300, 1/10th of a standard primary care, we can get to know you better.

No more waiting 3 months for an appointment because your doctor has to remember 3,500 people.

Without excessive wait times, SAN DIEGO  DOCS can better accommodate your needs.

House Calls When Needed

When you are unable to come see us, we will visit you. Yes we will make house calls.

Long List of FREE Medications

Open During Office Hours

We have an extensive list of medications for FREE that can be dispensed to you before you leave your appointment.

You can skip the pharmacy and the markup. Many medications for diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and infections are freely available while some others are offered at cost. This is an exclusive service offered by SAN DIEGO DOCS as a thank you to our patients.

Lab & Imaging Results Explained

We take the time necessary to fully explain your lab and imaging results to you so you understand your results and what it means to you.

Coordination of Specialty or Hospital Care

We will make sure to coordinate your specialist and hospital care.

This way there is easy continuity of care reducing lost records or redundant testing.

Reserved Parking at

Our Office

Parking in Little Italy can be difficult at times. No worries, we have you covered. We have dedicated parking behind our office.

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